Embracing Meekness: A Flow Based Path to Athletic Excellence

Embracing Meekness: A Flow Based Path to Athletic Excellence

In the competitive world of sports, the idea that “the meek shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5) might seem out of place. However, this profound scripture offers athletes a unique perspective that can help athletes detach from limiting beliefs and enhance their performance. Let's explore how embracing meekness can be a game-changer for athletes.

The Essence of Meekness

Meekness is often misinterpreted as weakness or submissiveness; however, it actually encompasses happiness, bliss, and delight. The meek are individuals who have consciously chosen to release the false identity shaped by disempowering beliefs and unhealthy attachments to an unrealistic self-image. Instead, they train their minds to focus on the best aspects of life, free from doubt, uncertainty, resentment, and other limiting beliefs. This positive perspective empowers athletes to develop a mindset that nurtures resilience in their pursuit of excellence. When faced with challenges, the meek athlete detaches from resistance and seeks to understand how the situation can serve their growth, enabling them to respond with grace rather than frustration.

Discipline of Thought

Philippians 4:8 encourages us to focus our attention on what is true, just, pure, lovely admirable and of good report. Meek athletes are disciplined in their thoughts, consistently aligning their mindset with truth and positivity. This discipline is crucial in sports, where mental fortitude can be as important as physical prowess. By evaluating situations with righteous judgment, athletes can steer clear of negative and cynical thinking that may lead to undesirable behaviors. Instead, this perspective helps them remain focused and committed to achieving excellence in their endeavors.

 Viewing the World Through the Eye of God

The concept of viewing the world through the "eye of God" invites athletes to see beyond their immediate circumstances. When you understand that everything is synchronized in a divine plan (Romans 8:28), it becomes easier to perform with a greater sense of trust in your abilities. Remembering that you are one with a greater source provides a powerful reminder that you can transcend any limitations. In moments of doubt or confusion, simply be still and recognize that you are in the presence of something greater than self that will guide you to greatness, if you allow it. 

Disentangling from the Senses

In a world filled with distractions, athletes must learn to disentangle from their senses and focus on the invisible spiritual realm. This shift in focus allows for greater clarity and peace, enabling athletes to perform at their highest potential. The meek do not identify with anything that is not rooted in truth, which is synonymous with love, peace, joy, and fulfillment. By centering on these qualities, athletes can cultivate a sense of well-being that enhances their performance.

A Flow Based Journey 

The idea that "the kingdom of heaven is within" (Luke 17:21) invites athletes to explore the depths of inner fulfillment. As you pursue greatness, keep in mind that by cultivating your internal kingdom, you will naturally see its reflection in your performance. As you seek to align with the kingdom all of your hearts desires will harmoniously appear in your reality (Matthew 6:33).  This journey towards inner excellence opens the door to a flow-based experience, where you can effortlessly navigate challenges and embrace the process. It empowers athletes to find joy and contentment, regardless of external circumstances, allowing them to manifest their dreams and create a heaven on earth through their actions and mindset. Embracing this flow encourages a harmonious alignment with one’s goals, transforming the journey into a fulfilling and enriching experience.

An Affirmation of Delight

To further reinforce this mindset, consider adopting this auto suggestion that resonates with your journey:

“I  think clearly from the premise of truth, recognizing that I embody delight in every moment. My true nature is one of joy, and I welcome positivity and delight in all aspects of my athletic journey. I understand that as I connect with the in dwelling God, I align with the essence of love, happiness, peace, bliss, fulfillment and prosperity . I embrace who I am and celebrate my unique contributions, allowing my spirit to shine brightly. By fully accepting myself, I express the divine within me, consistently achieving my best performance and fostering an atmosphere of excellence both on and off the field.”


Incorporating meekness into your athletic journey does not diminish your ambition; instead, it enhances your ability to perform with grace and integrity. The meek athlete embodies a spirit of joy and resilience, allowing them to thrive in the face of challenges. As you continue to embrace this premise, remember that greatness stems not just from physical ability, but from a profound connection to truth and love. Let your journey be a testament to the strength found in meekness, and watch how it transforms your experience on your athletic journey. 


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