The Unbreakable Link Between Elite Athletes, Working Memory, and Impulse Control


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The Unbreakable Link Between Elite Athletes  Working Memory, and Impulse Control


In my 15 years a high performance coach, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most exceptional athletes around the world. One striking aspect I've noticed among these elite performers is their remarkable ability to exhibit high levels of working memory and impulse control. Today, I want to delve into this fascinating phenomenon and share some research studies that shed light on the connection between these cognitive traits and athletic prowess.

Working Memory: The Athlete's Mental Playground

Working memory refers to our brain's capacity to hold and manipulate information in real-time. It plays a crucial role in decision-making, concentration, and problem-solving. In the world of sports, where split-second decisions can make or break a game, a strong working memory can be a game-changer.

Research Study 1: A study conducted by Dr. Vinod Venkatraman and his team at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology found that professional athletes exhibited significantly higher working memory capacity compared to non-athletes. They concluded that this enhanced working memory allows athletes to process vast amounts of information quickly, leading to better decision-making and strategic execution.

Impulse Control: The Steady Hand of Elite Athletes

Impulse control refers to the ability to resist immediate gratification or impulsive actions, allowing individuals to make more thoughtful and reasoned choices. In the realm of sports, impulse control is vital for staying focused, maintaining discipline, and avoiding distractions, which ultimately leads to better performance.

Research Study 2: A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology examined the relationship between impulse control and performance in elite athletes. The researchers discovered that athletes with higher levels of impulse control consistently achieved better results across various sports. Their findings indicate that the ability to resist impulsive actions and stay committed to long-term goals positively impacts an athlete's performance.

The Interplay: Working Memory and Impulse Control

While working memory and impulse control are distinct cognitive abilities, they are interconnected and synergistic in the minds of elite athletes. Let's explore how these two traits intertwine to create exceptional performance on the field.

Research Study 3: In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, researchers found that athletes with superior working memory capacity were more effective at suppressing distracting information. This ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli allows athletes to maintain focus on the task at hand, making split-second decisions with precision and accuracy.

The Neuro Beast Method : Strengthening Working Memory and Impulse Control

As a high performance coach, my goal is to equip athletes with tools and strategies to enhance their minds and bodies. The Neuro Beast method was created after years of research and practical application of proven techniques that can help athletes improve cognitive functions and physical performance . The NBM has 3 pillars in which we help engineer the minds of athletes. 

1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular mindfulness practices have been shown to improve working memory and impulse control by training the brain to stay present and focused.

2. Cognitive Motor Training: Engaging in specific working memory exercises, such as memorization or dual-tasking activities, can boost cognitive capacity and processing speed especially when they are paired with physical movements. 

3. Self-Reflection and Goal Setting: Encouraging athletes to set long-term goals and break them down into smaller, achievable milestones cultivates impulse control and strengthens their commitment to the bigger picture. Self reflection also teaches athletes how to evaluate their outcomes from a non biased, non emotional perspective in order to intelligently navigate the manner in which they approach their sport. 


Working memory and impulse control are the unsung heroes behind the exceptional performances we witness from elite athletes. The ability to hold vast amounts of information, make quick decisions, and resist impulsive actions sets them apart. By understanding the interplay between these cognitive traits, we can  empower athletes to reach new heights in their sporting endeavors.


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